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M/s UDAY INFRA PROJECTS PVT LTD, in connection with all areas of its infrastructure works and its operation, is committed to maintain and continually improve an environment that is compatible in terms of employee health and safety. With a commitment towards the same, the implementation of a documented Health and Safety System has been introduced compliant with HSE Policy.

We shall

  • Team Up to Safety and ensure that all accidents are preventable.
  • Raise awareness of Management and Supervisors vital role in safety leadership and management.
  • Provide necessary information, awareness and training to all employees and Contractors to carry out their tasks in a safe and responsive manner.
  • Take adequate steps to prevent accidents & injuries during the course of work and minimize the count to a reasonably practical extent.
  • Conduct periodic audits and risk analyses for hazardous operations.
  • Identify and meet the requirements of legislation and other requirements
  • Committed to prevention of injury and ill health and continual improvement in OH&S management and OH&S performance
  • Committed to prevent / minimize pollution causing injury or ill health to the
  • OH&S Policy is reviewed periodically (4 months) to ensure always relevant and appropriate to the organization.
  • This OH & S Policy is available to interested parties by displaying at main entrance
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